Dentist quality teeth whitening for £100

Who doesn’t love a Hollywood smile? Teeth whitening is definitely growing in the UK especially when you see those beautiful shiny teeth of all the influencers and the younger people, so I’ve written about this before and while there are toothpastes available and strips, I think the best way to go and get a white a smile is to actually go to your dentist. Of course, this doesn’t come cheap.
Well, you can have a zoom whitening or get some trays made and whiten at home with a gel, but for the latter, you’re looking at around £300. Obviously, you can look around for offers and sometimes they’ll be 100 quid off, but that’s the price that I’ve been quoted. So what are we bargain hunters to do? Years ago I got some trays made at the dentist and bought the gel and this whole thing did cost me actually £300.
The price hasn’t really increased that much and so I was looking for a cheaper way to do it for my husband, whose teeth I believe need a bit of attention. So one of my friends gets home tray kits and made her own moulds and whitens her teeth in that way which is brilliant for her but I did some research and I really wanted to have the same sort of experience as good dentists have. So the dentists make the soft moulds and I looked around to see if I can find somebody who would do the same and I found these guys on Amazon, but they also have their own store.
For 50 quid they will send you a mould making kit which you need to read the instructions and then read them again and watch the YouTube video to get it right. I did see only one negative review where the person hadn’t read the instructions and the mould material had basically set before they even got into their mouth, hence the caution about making sure you know what you are doing. The mould material is like some sort of plasticine you put in your mouth it basically makes a mould of your teeth. It dries really quickly and then you post it back to them and then around a week later you get your lovely soft dentist quality moulds.
Of course, I want the whole dentist experience so I got the gel from my dentist saying that I wanted to top up. I got my husband to use a sensitive teeth toothpaste in the run-up to using the whitener and he had no sensitivity. He started on day one with the moulds for around an hour and then moved to overnight.
In one syringe which costs £50, we managed to get 1 1/2‘s worth weeks worth of whitening which was plenty to give him a touch-up and make his teeth look better. While the gel feels like it’s expensive, it’s from a dentist so I feel confident that I’m not buying rubbish for my husband. I hear that others use stuff from Opalescene bought online.
The whole package has cost me £100 for dentist quality whitening. Of course, if you have sensitive teeth it’s probably best to talk to the dentist before you do any whitening but there are lots of people who are buying over-the-counter products and making their own moulds and using a toothpaste without talking to any dentist.
Anyway, so this is a really cost-effective way of whitening your teeth in my opinion.
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