Posted byAnita Wright
Posted inMoney saving tips, Useful
Discussion1 Comment on Get paid to shop with Top CashBack
TagsConsumer Bargains, Coupons, Loyalty schemes and cards, Online shopping, Useful
Get paid to shop with Top CashBack

A website that pays you money as you shop, now I wasn’t sure at first, but what did I have to lose?
I was already signed up to Quidco. While I did use Quidco for two years and got paid £732, I did have to pay for the privilege, so I switched. BTW, the amount is high as I brought quite a few electricals and expensive bits of gear.
I came across Top CashBack and made the move. There are other similar sites around, but Top CashBack doesn’t charge you. It makes money from ads, whereas sites like Quidco charge, if only a little bit, but it’s a charge and I like things for free. I hear that now, however, that Quidco has also introduced a free service, so that may be worth checking out.
With Top CashBack, I have been paid £116 since June 2012 and have £55 pending…sometimes it takes 8 – 10 weeks to get to my Top CashBack account.
How does it work: you sign up and register an account when you are next going to buy something, from pizza to a holiday. I have never given credit card details but have withdrawn my balance in cash and both Amazon vouchers.
The service works as you visit the Top CashBack website, click on the link of the retailer you are shopping with and the system registers that you went through Top CashBack. The credit appears in your account after a few weeks and you only get a pay out after a certain amount has been built up. I withdraw my money immediately when I can and get anything between .5% to 10%.
I have used it with Apple, Pizza Hut, Argos, eBuyer.
Check the T&Cs, for instance Tesco grocery only is first time users and subscribe to the Top Cash Back email as they also send out good offers.
Stevey Thomlinson
November 7, 2013 at 12:19 pm