10 money saving apps

You have your smart phone, now use it to be smart with money. With hundreds of apps available focusing on shopping, banking, budgeting and making extra money, what are the best ones?
You should be able to use on Apple and Android phones and it’s worth downloading them all:
- Topcashback – https://www.topcashback.com/ ; they pass on their advertising commission straight to you, as cashback
- VoucherCodes – https://www.vouchercodes.co.uk ; helps you find the best working discount codes
- Idealo – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.idealo.android&hl=en ; find products, compare prices
- Groupon – https://www.groupon.co.uk/ ; save money on certain offers on restaurants, spa, trips, etc.
- Stocard – https://stocardapp.com/ ; puts all your loyalty cards on your smartphone
- CheckoutSmart – https://www.checkoutsmart.com/ ; find offers, buy and keep your receipt, upload a picture of the receipt and the app puts cashback into your account
- O2PriorityMoments – https://priority.o2.co.uk/ ; save money on some exclusive offers that range from high street brands to tickets and experiences.
- MusicMagpie – https://www.musicmagpie.co.uk/ ; easy way to sell your stuff, just scan it, they give you an estimate how much you can earn
- JustPark – https://www.justpark.com/ ; helps you find a parking spot easily and you can even reserve a parking spot in advance; they help drivers and parking owners at the same time
- LoveTheSales- https://www.lovethesales.com ; they’ve partnered with stores and they allow you to find sales that go up to 70% off! Just select the country and sales that are active will appear.
It’s good to see that some of the apps also still appear on the list produced back in 2016 by a bunch of money saving bloggers including me:
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