Get paid to share great deals with Pedlar

Do you share deals on sites like HotUKDeals and wish that you would be rewarded for sharing information that could save others money? Well sounds like there is a new service in town that could be the answer. Here’s some information on Pedlar.
What’s Pedlar?
First and foremost, Pedlar is a community where people share bargains with each other. Found a great price on a TV? Know a supermarket with a BOGOF offer on wine? Share the wealth and post it on Pedlar!
Such websites aren’t new. A very popular one already exists called HotUKDeals and thousands of people use it daily, sharing all matter of deals with each other. Great, right?
Well, what not so many people realise is that HotUKDeals make a rather large amount of money from their users. Most of the deals shared on HotUKDeals earn the site’s operators a commission – well they are delivering a service, so it seems fair. However, wouldn’t it be nice and fair for the person who did the hard work, found the deal and shared it to get a slice of the action?
Well fairness is where Pedlar comes in. It’s quite straightforward really – Pedlar shares any commission it gets with the user who found the deal. Don’t get it? No worries, check out this helpful infographic:
Sharing a deal
Sharing a deal only takes a few seconds. All you need is the URL (the website address) of the deal you’ve found.
- Copy the deal URL, paste it on to the share page ( and let the Pedlar elves get to work and try and fetch all the information about the deal.
- Cross your fingers and hopefully Pedlar will have automagically found the title, description, price and an image for the deal.
- If the magic pot was running low, you might need to input some of the deal information manually. Shouldn’t take too long mind.
- Next step, choose an appropriate category from the drop down list. There are only a few to choose from!
Now you can share your deal.
Making Money
Pedlar has a growing number of partnerships with online retailers (over a 1,000 at the time of writing!). Each of the retailers offers Pedlar a particular percentage commission on any sales. This then allows Pedlar to pass the commission on to its community whenever they share a deal.
The exact percentage of commission varies between retailers and, sometimes, even between product categories e.g. Amazon might pay 2% on electrical goods but 5% on DVDs.
What’s the catch?
There isn’t one. Well, not as such. Cards on the table: Pedlar does take a cut of the commission from the retailers to cover costs. The hope is that if Pedlar becomes the go-to website for deals and bargains they’ll be able to offer 100% of the commission directly to the user. But as they’re just starting out, they’re not quite there yet!
Sound good?
Head on over to Pedlar, sign up and get £10 free to kick start your bargain hunting career!
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