Damien’s Money MOT – free personalised financial guidance

Damien’s Money MOT is a free personalised financial guidance tool, which basically helps to understand your current financial status and then get advice on how to improve it. You don’t give any information like how much you have in your savings accounts etc, but the guidance basically helps you to have a balanced “portfolio” from savings, to life insurance to retirement.

The service is really easy to use and the emails help to remind you of what you need to do or consider.

I have screenshotted the questions so you understand that they are not intrusive.

Its starts with simple questions, age, sex, marital status and number of children and employment status. The first serious question that pops up is do you have a will?

Next we have questions about the size of your estate and questions about insurance. Life insurance and income protection insurance.

Then we are onto questions about my credit rating and debt levels and emergency fund levels. There is a section to tick all the bills I pay, I ticked most of them! And then had a chance to say which I have reviewed in the past year. I am fairly money savvy and think that I have got the best deal for all my bills. But I recognise many people may not be in this position.

Why is it Money MOT any good?

A service completely unique to Money to the Masses. Take a few minutes to answer a few questions and Damien will send you some tailored emails with help and guidance depending on your responses.

You can choose to receive weekly or daily emails and I choose my main financial goal which is starting to save/invest.

Once signed up …now what?

  1. You will now start to receive your Action Plan emails, at the frequency you requested (i.e daily or weekly), to help you improve your MONEY MOT score and your finances. The number of emails you receive and their content will depend on the results from your MOT and the areas you need to work on. However, for most people, the number of emails will total less than 10.
  2. The emails will come in the order of priority with the most important areas to work on first. To help you, the subject line of each email will contain one of the following phrases at the start
  3. Critical – you should complete these tasks even if you do nothing else. Think of them as the minimum repairs you need to do when getting your car through its MOT
  4. Important – complete these tasks once you have completed all critical tasks
  5. To do – these are the tasks you need to complete to ensure your financial future


Once you have registered with MoneytotheMasses.com:

  1. you can retake and save your Money MOT at any time
  2. you can click on the individual star ratings on the MOT results page to see an explanation

Always remember you are not aiming for perfection, you are aiming for progress.

I hope you enjoy Damien’s Money MOT and the Action Plan. Please let me know your thoughts and feedback and what score you originally received and how much you improved it by.

Damien’s Money MOT users will also now receive our free guide “39 Ways to Pay Less Tax” in their welcome email.

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